- On Revolution - Hannah Arendt (1963)
- Doppelganger - Naomi Klein (2023)
- If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution - Vincent Bevins (2023)
- The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka - Clare Wright (2013)
- Shaheen Bagh & the Idea of India: Writings on a Movement - Seema Mustafa (2020)
- Antagonistics: Thinking the World Politically - Chantal Mouffe (2013)
- The Failure of Nonviolence: From the Arab Spring to Occupy - Peter Gelderloos (2013)
- Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds - Andrienne Maree Brown (2017)
- Strike Art: Contemporary Art and The Post-Occupy Condition - Yates McKee (2016)
- For a Left Populism - Chantal Mouffe (2018)
- Twitter & Tear Gas: The Power & Fragility of Networked Protest - Zeynep Tufeku (2017)
- Civil Actions: Artist's Practice Beyond the Museum (2017)
- Dialogues in Public Art - Tom Finkelpearl (2000)

- Roadblocks to Equality: Women Challenging Boundaries - Jefferey Klaehn (2009)
- My Side of the Bridge: The life story of Veronica Brodie as told to Mary-Anne Gale- Veronica Brodie (2007)
- Protest: Aesthetics of Resistance - Basil Rogger, Jonas Voegeli, Ruedi Widmer (2018)
- Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations - Clay Shirky (2008)
- The End of Protest: A new Playbook for a Revolution - Michah M. White (2016)
- Penal Colony to Penal Powers - J Huthcinson (1966)
- Women Writing & the Public Sphere 1700 - 1830 - Elizabeth Eger (2006)- Conversation Pieces - Grant H Kester (2004)
- The Right to Peaceful Protest - Jo Cooper (2021)
- Routledge: The Age of Protest - Norman F. Cantor (1970)
- The Tyranny of Structurelessness - Jo Feeman (1972)
We the People - Heritage Zone:
- Melbourne Markets , 1841- 1979 - the story of fruit and vegetable markets in the City of Melbourne - Colin E Cole (1980)
- A City Lost & Found: Whelan the Wrecker's Melbourne - Robyn Annear (2005)
- Keep Queen Victoria Market Petition (1972)
- Petition to Amend the Licensing Act, Queen Victoria Market Traders (1919)
- Old Melbourne Cemetery Notes (1921)
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